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LIVE Every Sunday at 10am

 Sunday Brunch at 10AM on the 1st Sunday of the month


ONE Church | 132 West High St., Somerville, NJ

Join us every Sunday for a LIVE message from our Lead Pastor Jon Coords. Learn about the hope we have in Jesus Christ and how we can be the hands and feet to our community as we serve with each other. Can't wait to see you this Sunday! 



9am Kids Programming (ages 0-8th Grade)

11am Nursery Provided (ages 0-3)

We have a place for your kids! While parents join us for Sunday Morning Service we have rooms for Infants through 6th graders run by our amazing OC Kids Team.

To register or if you have any questions CLICK HERE



Every Sunday from 11am-12pm

ONE Church's Fellowship Hall

We would love for you to meet our Pastors and staff after Sunday Service! Here is a great chance to ask questions, find out how to get involved and make new friends.



September 2024

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Financial Peace University

Sunday, September 22nd

Stressed about money? Feeling overwhelmed about how to get out of debt? 
Well, Financial Peace University is starting up again! 


Every Sunday at 11:30am, we are meeting up in the church office to learn how to better manage our money together to be FREE from the money trap. 

Sign up below to experience a life changing class to beat the money stress! 

October 2024

First Saturday Serve

Brookside Bash

Saturday, October 5th

We are once again throwing a huge party for our friends at Brookside Gardens Apartments in Somerville. It's right down the street and is gonna be an amazing time! 


Sign up to help us show the love of Jesus to our friends!

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Grassroots Night

Brookside Bash

Wednesday, October 16th

Join us for a night of worship and prayer as we reflect on God's faithfulness and bask in His goodness. These nights are a special time to reflect on the love of God in the middle of your week and month. We hope to see you there!

Always OPen

Join A Team

At One Church, one of our core values is Participation. As a follower of Jesus, the expectation is that we participate in what God is doing and what He is calling the church to be. One of the ways we participate is by serving with each other on a Weekend Service Team. Whether it's serving in OC Kids, on the Worship Team, Hospitality or helping to Setup/Teardown, all are welcome to join a team and make a difference at One Church!


Let’s come together and be an ACTS 2 church for each other. Sign up below to begin your adventure!

All Hands In


Huddles are highly relational groups of people committed to community. Their gatherings are regular, and as the group gets to know each other more, it naturally evolves into an “open door” lifestyle of spiritual neighbors.  Huddle families organically invite each other to come and go in each other’s lives and spaces as they grow together in Christ.


Huddles are NOT a traditional bible study.  There’s no set curriculum, just as there’s no set curriculum to the rhythm of your life.  There’s plenty of spaces to get more information and learn about who God is: the bible, other Christian books, teachings and sermons available online through resources like RightNow Media and in person.  Huddles exist to focus on hearing what God is saying to you personally and having the support to live that truth in practical ways.


The “Why” for Huddles is as simple as “why do people need friends?” or “how do I meet people I can relate to?”.  With struggling to adjust to a pandemic environment, many people discovered new concepts such as rest and personal fulfillment, however they may have also realized loneliness and isolation.  Huddles exist, not to put more unnecessary tasks on your plate, but to fill a God-created need you have for community, for a safe place where fellow believers gather.  You’ll know you’ve arrived at a huddle when you get there and there’s a sigh of relief, not an anxious feeling of “did I do the required reading?”.  Huddles are laughter-filled spaces with people you feel like you can trust with how your week went and what God is doing in your life now. Sign up below to begin your huddle adventure!


Care Portal

Sign up to be a responder and help us BE THE CHURCH! Signing up doesn't require you to do anything. It simply means that you will see the needs as they come in. You can choose to help whenever and however you like. But you won't know how you can help unless you take the first step of signing up. So join us and let's change our community together! 

Serve at Feeding Hands

The church is called to be generous and to feed the hungry and that is exactly what Feeding Hands is all about. They feed hundreds of families every single month all in the name of Jesus and they need our help. They just moved to Hillsborough and are expanding their ability to help others and that's where we come in. 

Click the link below to sign up to volunteer your time as often as you can. It's totally up to you! You can serve every week, once a month or once a quarter. They will welcome you with open arms every time. 


Have fun and make a difference with our partners at Feeding Hands Food Pantry! 

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