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“Every church has values or principals that guide everything they do and say. We wanted to be intentional with ours and come up with those values that shape everything we do. Check out the values that make up the heartbeat of One Church:”


Jesus prays for his church to be unified. So, we hold fast to what makes us Christian, as represented in our statement of beliefs, and loosen our grip on the nonessentials that tend to drive us apart. We can come together as a community, in a safe environment, to explore God’s word and apply it to our lives. // John 17:21, 1 Corinthians 1:10-17, Ephesians 4:1-14


Part of the role of the believer and the church is to usher in the Kingdom of God on Earth as it is in Heaven. Part of our responsibility and the way we do that is to have our community reflect what the Kingdom of God actually looks like. That means we will be intentional to reflect and value every nation, tribe, people and language. // Matthew 6:10, Revelations 7:9, James 2:1-9, Ephesians 2:11-22


In many ways the “Church” has complicated faith and what it means to be a Christian or what it means to be a church. We think church should be simple, so we will invest far more in our community and the community around us than we will in our services and production. We will not do anything for self-promotion and make a commitment to humility, recognizing that our goal as a church is never about numbers, power and influence, but instead about true conversion and lives changed. Great leaders serve! // Acts 2:42-47


The early church devoted themselves to fellowship, caring for each other and being together. To do this they understood that grace is the defining aspect of our faith. God extends his grace to each of us so we must lead with grace in our relationships with one another.  The quality and depth of our relationships and our testimony of grace will be defined by how we love and serve one another. This love of community will be counter cultural to the world around us as the gospel is counter-cultural to the world around us. //  Acts 2:42-47, Hebrews 10:24-25


We will be known by how generous we are in giving of our time, talents and resources. As we practice simple church principals we will give generously to our community both inside and outside the church. Acts 2:42-47 James 1:27 


God has empowered and gifted each of us in different ways and with different talents and abilities. The expectation is that we use what he has given for the glory of God and the growth of His Kingdom. We will be action minded and will be known by how we participate in God’s vision through teams, outreaches and small groups. // Acts 2:42-471 Corinthians 12:20-26


Authenticity is a calling of all believers. We will let our yes be yes and our no be no. We will be honest, transparent and authentic in all we say and do. We will be prepared and ready to have the hard conversations, in love, with grace and truth and are willing to have those conversations without needing to have all the answers.  // James 5:12, Romans 12:9, 1 Corinthians 2:1-5


Our goal is not to become a mega church but to grow deeper into community and relationships. Because of this, we believe the best way to grow the kingdom is by multiplying the church. We will continue to send people from our community, with resources, encouragement and prayer, to plant new churches wherever God calls them to do it.  // Matthew 24:14, Matthew 28:19, 1 Corinthians 3:71 Corinthians 12:20-26

To read more about what we believe as a church click below.

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